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This course has been highly regarded by countless students throughout the years and has provided the perfect foundation to enter the next level of learning.

The students of this discipline understand the need for self-control for coexistence in society and find the opportunity to improve their self-esteem and self-confidence. A fundamental aspect to avoid the typical insecurities of adolescence.

Sin Moo Hapkido incorporates a philosophy of non-violence, self-improvement, adaptability, and physical, emotional and spiritual balance, with the basic Hapkido training. Additionally, Sin Moo Hapkido formalizes a series of techniques, although at advanced levels students are expected to synthesize their own work. 
KYOSADO AUSTRALIA Martial Arts has developed, tested and proven a children-centered curriculum that teaches children to feel safe when caring for themselves standing or on the ground. Our martial arts system has been built for many years and offers solid results.

The practice of hapkido is usually very positive for children over 4 years of age, adolescents and adults. Physical work positively impacts their growth, contributing to strengthen their muscles and improve their flexibility. It also promotes self-knowledge about every part of your body.

Get in touch with questions or to learn more.



Although its origins are very old, the hapkido has caught much popularity in recent years. Not only as a self-defense technique, but also as a complete exercise for body and mind.

hapkido teach children, youth and adults to channel their energy positively. In times of haste and increasing levels of stress, this is crucial to prevent behavioral problems and symptoms of anxiety, fear or stress.

On the other hand, people of all ages can (re) discover the importance of teamwork and perseverance in hapkido. The execution with perfection of each technique and movement requires dedication, study and, above all, humility to continue improving and learning constantly. A great education for young people.

Physical work positively impacts their growth, contributing to strengthen their muscles and improve their flexibility. It also promotes self-knowledge about every part of your body.

But the greatest benefit is in the teaching of principles of behavior and concentration proposed by the discipline. When practicing hapkido or another martial art, young people come into contact and can see the practical value of many ethical bases.

As one of our most popular offerings, we recommend signing up for this course as early as possible as it tends to fill up quickly. If you’re unsure about your level or have questions, simply reach out.


Through this course, students have the opportunity to push their skills, techniques and confidence to a new level in a fun, dynamic way. IBP course is based in a high standar Kummoyeh and Hapkido level, following the mentoring of two very high lines: 
Hapkido from Hapkido Founder Ji han Jae who is actually is a Living Korean Treasure.
Kummooyeh from GM Hyun Kyo Han who is the Head Master of World Kummooyeh Federation.
Contact us today to learn more about each of our course offerings.



Hapkido as a method of self defense.
This art can be described as hybrid, physical and energetic. The physical force is not something primordial, the greatest importance is given to the movement of one's body. Flexibility, breathing and speed of action are some of the most important parts of this art.

The maximum rule for a Hapkido practitioner is to avoid violence.
Never start a dispute or seek confrontation.
However, a Hapkido practitioner fiercely defends that if you find yourself in the situation where an opponent attacks you, you must defend yourself against this threat.

This art can be described as hybrid, physical and energetic. The physical force is not something primordial, the greatest importance is given to the movement of one's body. Flexibility, breathing and speed of action are some of the most important parts of this art.

Hapkido training is very demanding with its apprentices since it seeks to train people who can defend themselves as well as their families and their country.

This course is not attached to a hapkido program and is offered as a class in our school or as personal training.

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